Largest Trucks in the World
ETF makes the largest mining trucks in the world. Starting with 200 metric tonnes payload. The largest truck has 800 metric tonnes payload.
More Mine Output
Due to narrower haul roads the net mine output is considerably higher. This is direct extra profit for the mine.
Zero Emissions and Low Noise
All ETF Mining Equipment is full electric powered with harvesting of retarding energy. All equipment have Zero Emissions and very Low Noise (No diesel engines or turbines)!
95% Technical Availability
ETF obtains an extremely high technical availability percentage by exchanging components instead of repairing it on the vehicle. This means that the trucks can continue operation and the repairs of the components are completed in the workshop without downtime for the truck. Wheels and batteries can be changed in 15 minutes. ETF's maintenance-costs and -time is considerably lower compared to existing vehicles with diesel engines.